Miss Dolphin: Click image to view larger:
I made the fortunate decision to grout the sections in different colors and to start with the white stripes. Usually I will tape off the sections before grouting but due to the crazy texture of the striped shirt I decided that I'd just go slow and tidy the edges using a toothpick after. Really glad on this choice because the slop of sanded grout on one particular type of red square bead scrubbed the color off those beads, yikes!! The project was salvaged with a short delay while I sought out replacements in a similar size and color.
Here are the offending beads after removal from the project:
The Lesson- TEST your materials before use. Another mosaic blogger, TileMosaicGirl, had a similar experience with red glass gems and blogged about it here: photo slideshow and her experiment. She tested the materials both by scrubbing with grout and with sandpaper. She found that the sandpaper method was quite effective to test if the color would withstand grouting so in the future I plan to also test my materials this way.
I've had this happen with my garden art once its exposed to the weather. Real red glass is expensive (and therefore rare) due to the fact that the process to make red glass involves a small amount of GOLD! I now buy old through and through red glass when ever i see it even if its ugly. The way to tell is to hold it up to the light and look at the edges, you can usually tell by the oclor variation or actual scratches if its red or just painted on the surface.
thanks for the lesson .... I would never have imagine the colour would come off!
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