MosaicSmith Blog

Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Method for How to Make Numbers to Mosaic

My approach to making numbers for mosaicing is a bit different than the norm and my quilting background shows up here. I think it is a bit like paper piecing in reverse.

I like to piece numbers like this since I think with the minimal grout lines they are more clearly visable to do their job in the finished piece.

Click on any picture to see a large version.
First I use a metallic marker to trace the right side of the number on the right side of the glass.
Then begin systematically making cuts and breaking out pieces.
For the #1, I started by scoring and breaking the base from the number then did the same with the angled top portion. Use either the wheeled cutter or score/break to finish the shape.
For the #8, first step was to score the drawn line completely with the glass cutter and continue the score line through the center forming an 'x'. I extended some score lines to the edge of the glass and added some more lines radiating from the center to break up the sharp curves.
All the tools I used are shown- glass cutter, running pliers, breaking pliers, grozier pliers and wheeled cutters.

I make more than just signs! 

I create original design silver jewelry too!!   or

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